At the Temple

So many of them,
Boys, girls, men and women,
Went there everyday.
They called it His dwelling place.
They called it the Temple.

I never went though.
Why would he be there,
Of all places, I reasoned.

Then, one evening,
As I was wandering nowhere,
You took me along – to the Temple.
I ne’er protested too, but went along
In jest.

Again I saw, so many of them,
Boys, girls, men and women,
I wondered aloud – what for?

To speak to Him, you said.
I watched in amazement
… so many were kneeling down,
You quietly did the same,
All of them were speaking,
Silently telling Him all they had to say
All the twists in the play
The play of Life.

So much love, so much faith…
As they murmured the great fiction of existence
So many thanked, so many asked for more
Others just talked, told Him their all.

True, he was there,
How could he not be,
So many tales to listen to, over pegs of love to drink

I just watched, and smiled…
In their devotion, their love,
I had found His,
I had felt Him.
Pilani, RJ, 
February, 2004